Aesthetics|| Restrictions as a reference point


Aesthetics emerge from a set of restrictions formed from a period of previous experiences that initially make the artist discover where he is with his interests, what his influences are, what he likes to see, what he likes to do, what he likes to have around him.

Together with this, he begins to establish starting points, to which he can return or abandon in each piece. The ones that remain and are structured begin to become his identity. After some time, some solid points emerge that form what he is visually. However, the funny thing is that this process is cyclical. Some are easily satisfied, knowing exactly what he is in the visual field, others need and remain in constant transformation, what he desires does not yet exist in its entirety. The discovery takes longer because it is a construction from the inside out.

The restrictions that remain shape the artistic vision, because they teach us how to translate what we see, and from there we separate what is important and unimportant when we put our ideas on the canvas. From these restrictions that establish who we are, we mature, when we manage to maintain this aesthetic in different contexts and needs, when there is a constancy in what we see, when what we want is reflected in what we do, there is a good sign that something there worked.